Survey Data

Reg No




Categories of Special Interest

Architectural, Historical, Social, Technical

Original Use



1860 - 1900


138290, 41557

Date Recorded


Date Updated



Detached gabled-fronted three-bay double-height Church of Ireland hall, built c.1880, having side entry porch to front (south), three-bay single-storey addition to side (west) and recent flat-roofed extension to north-east corner. Pitched artificial slate roofs throughout with half hipped cat-slide to side (west) addition. Metal-clad gable copings on skew limestone corbels to main block. Timber-clad eaves courses throughout. Snecked stone alls throughout having rendered sill bands, platbands and quoins. Shouldered square-headed window openings throughout, having rendered surrounds, sills and uPVC casement windows throughout. Square-headed window openings to rear (north) elevation, having rendered sills, dressed stone voussoirs and uPVC casement windows. Trefoil window opening to gable of porch, having rendered surround and uPVC framed window. Square-headed window openings with chamfered rendered lintels, rendered block-and-start surrounds and panelled timber doors to side (east, west) elevations of porch. Square-headed door openings with rendered surrounds elsewhere, having uPVC and replacement timber doors. Located within own grounds set back from road, enclosed to south by rendered wall with square-profile gate piers, cast-iron railings and double-leaf cast-iron gates.


A well-executed parochial hall located in an area populated by several other religious buildings. Though some original fabric has been replaced, it retains its original form and character. It is a reminder of the provisions which were made to provide a suitable venue for non-religious activities by the local Church of Ireland community.