Survey Data

Reg No




Categories of Special Interest

Architectural, Artistic

Original Use


In Use As



1810 - 1830


157278, 156651

Date Recorded


Date Updated



Terraced two-bay four-storey over basement brick townhouse, built c. 1820, with a front railed basement area and a single bay four-storey lean-to return. Cement rendered rear and brick return. Pitched artificial slate roof with a brick chimneystack to either end. Red brick walls laid in Flemish bond with limestone coping to parapet wall and rendered basement wall. Gauged brick flat-arched window openings with patent reveals, painted stone sills and uPVC windows. Camber- and flat-arched openings to rear with rough-hewn limestone sills and early multiple-paned timber sash windows. Gauged brick round-arched door opening with patent reveals. Replacement timber door flanked by slender painted timber pilasters and scrolled console brackets, with cornice and spoked fanlight over, opening onto limestone stepped threshold and concrete tiled platform flanked by original spear-headed wrought-iron railings and cast-iron urn-top corner rail posts on painted limestone plinth, with cement repairs, returning to enclose the basement area.


A modest former Georgian townhouse forming part of an intact terrace of thirteen houses and former houses. Despite having lost its original windows and door, it retains its doorcase, railing and original aspect. This particular house is the only one to retain its rear elevation, which contains early timber sash windows.