Survey Data

Reg No




Categories of Special Interest

Archaeological, Architectural, Artistic, Scientific, Social, Technical

Original Use



1825 - 1830


199469, 293283

Date Recorded


Date Updated



Detached Board of First Fruits Church of Ireland church, built 1828, with three-bay nave, with central bay gable-fronted. Three-stage castellated tower to west and vestry to east. Repaired, 1901. Closed, 1996. Now disused. Pitched slate roof with stone coping, finials and some cast-iron rainwater goods. Random coursed walls with dressed quoins and string course and battered plinth to tower. Pointed-arched timber traceried windows with diamond panes set into cut stone reveals with splayed sills. Hood mouldings above. Double timber battened door, accessed by limestone steps, set in pointed arch with tooled stone surround and hood moulding. Plaque to south façade of tower. Varied upright and recumbent grave markers and mausolea around church. Site bounded by random coursed stone walls. Stone sweep to entrance with niches and arch to gateway with wrought-iron gates.


High quality craftsmanship was employed in the detailing of this Georgian Gothic style church. The simple form is articulated by its stone dressings with the castellated tower and breakfronts. The unusual entrance compliments the setting which is completed by carved stone grave markers. The remains of possible earlier fabric adds archaeological interest to the site.