Survey Data

Reg No




Categories of Special Interest


Original Use


In Use As

Shop/retail outlet


1840 - 1860


327776, 210873

Date Recorded


Date Updated



Semi-detached four-bay two-storey house and shop, built c.1850 probably as a symmetrical three-bay house but later extended to the north side. The façade is finished in plain unpainted render at ground level, with the upper storey in unpainted roughcast. The pitched gable-ended roof is covered in artificial slate and has rendered chimneystacks with prominent plinths and cornice courses. The entrance consists of a panelled timber door and semi-circular fanlight, whilst the windows are flat-headed with both uPVC and timber sash frames, and painted stone sills. One window, to the north side of the first floor, has a pointed arch head and is set within a small gable. The shop is located to the north side and has a c.1970s timber shopfront. uPVC rainwater goods.


Mid 19th-century house with later extension, which, though somewhat altered in recent years with the insertion of a modern shopfront and uPVC windows, remains of value to the streetscape.