Survey Data

Reg No




Categories of Special Interest

Architectural, Artistic

Original Use

Gate lodge


1860 - 1880


323227, 191168

Date Recorded


Date Updated



Detached three-bay one and a half-storey gate lodge to Holywood House, built c.1870 in a Gothic style. The gate lodge is finished in render with moulded dripstones and dressings. The panelled front door is set within a recent projecting gabled porch; it has a flat-arched opening and has plain sidelights which are within pointed-arched openings. Window openings are flat-headed with casement windows with paired pointed-arch panes. The hipped roof has wide overhangs and a bracketed eaves and uPVC rainwater goods. The chimneystack has tall octagonal pots. The gate lodge is set by the roadside behind a gate screen. The gate screen has wrought-iron gates and matching railings with octagonal pillars.


Well preserved gate lodge of the later 19th century, which with its equally well preserved contemporary gate screen compliments its rural setting.