Survey Data

Reg No




Categories of Special Interest


Original Use



1700 - 1840


272310, 127704

Date Recorded


Date Updated



Attached three-bay two-storey house with half-dormer attic, extant 1840, on a rectangular plan. Occupied, 1901; 1911. Refenestrated, ----. For sale, 2005. Pitched slate roof with clay ridge tiles, concrete or rendered coping to gables with rendered chimney stacks to apexes having red brick stringcourses below capping supporting terracotta pots, and replacement uPVC rainwater goods on rendered eaves. Fine roughcast wall to front (west) elevation on rendered plinth with rendered "bas-relief" strips to ends; rendered surface finish (remainder). Segmental-headed central door opening with cut-granite step threshold, and rendered "bas-relief" surround having stepped reveals framing replacement glazed timber panelled door having fanlight. Square-headed flanking window openings originally in tripartite arrangement with cut-granite sills, and rendered "bas-relief" surrounds framing replacement timber casement windows. Square-headed window openings (upper floors) with cut-granite sills, and rendered "bas-relief" surrounds framing replacement timber casement windows. Street fronted with rendered monolithic piers to perimeter having shallow pyramidal capping supporting iron gate.


A house representing an integral component of the domestic built heritage of New Ross with the architectural value of the composition suggested by such attributes as the compact rectilinear plan form centred on a restrained doorcase showing a simple radial fanlight; and the diminishing in scale of the openings on each floor producing a graduated tiered visual effect with the principal "apartments" or reception rooms originally showing Wyatt-style tripartite glazing patterns. Having been well maintained, the elementary form and massing survive intact together with quantities of the original fabric: however, the introduction of replacement fittings to most of the openings has not had a beneficial impact on the external expression or integrity of a house forming part of a self-contained group alongside an adjacent gatehouse (see 15605185) with the resulting ensemble making a pleasing visual statement in Haughton Place.