Reg No: 40901756

Section of stone boundary wall forming the western boundary along the former south-east approach avenue to Mulroy House (see 40901712), erected c. 1885. Constructed of rubble stone masonry with flush ...

Reg No: 40901760

Detached three-bay single-storey over basement with attic level former estate worker's house associated with Mulroy House (see 40901712), built c. 1885, having projecting gable-fronted single-bay sing...

Reg No: 40901761

Detached five-bay single-storey house with attic level, built c. 1875, having central advanced single-bay single-storey with attic level gable-fronted breakfront to the centre of the main elevation (s...

Reg No: 40901762

Detached seven-bay single-storey outbuilding associated with Mulroy House (see 40901712), built c. 1910. Probably originally associated with the former walled garden (see 40901753) adjacent to the sou...

Reg No: 40901763

Freestanding single-bay former lime kiln on rectangular-plan, built c. 1870, having single-bay single-storey outbuilding extension to south and with earth embankment to the north and west for loading ...

Reg No: 40901764

Semi-detached pair of two-bay single-storey estate worker's houses with attic level associated with Mulroy House (see 40901712), built c. 1885, having central gable-fronted half-dormer opening to the ...

Detached four-bay single-storey house with attic level, built c. 1890, having central two-bay breakfront to the south-east elevation with recessed bays to either side under continuous pitched roof, an...

Pier\jetty, erected c. 1880, having randomly coursed rubble stone walls slight batter to base. Later added rendered block wall to parapet to east. Flight of cut stone steps from deck to sea level to t...

Single-arched bridge carrying road over Owenwee River, built c. 1865. Segmental-headed arch with roughly dressed stone voussoirs; squared rubble stone construction to arch barrel with projecting cut ...

Reg No: 40901769

Freestanding two-storey former water tower (on square-plan) having two metal water tanks over, built c. 1890. Originally associated with Mulroy House (see 40901712). Randomly coursed rubble stone wal...

Detached three-bay single-storey direct-entry vernacular house with attic level, built c. 1780, having central flat-roofed windbreak porch to the front elevation. Recently restored and now in use as ...

Pier\jetty, erected c. 1880, having coursed rubble stone walls with some modern alterations and additions including railings. Modern deck and rendered coping over coursed rubble stone storm wall to th...

Reg No: 40901772

Detached three-bay single-storey house with dormer attic level associated with Mulroy House (see 40901712), built c. 1910, having two gable-fronted half-dormer openings to the front elevation (west). ...

Detached two-storey ovoid-plan Martello tower, built c.1810, having pair of defensive walls flanking to north and west to seaward side and protected by dry moat to south (landward) side and probably i...

Detached seven-bay two-storey U-plan country house, built c.1850. Hipped slate roof with two rendered chimneystacks having clay pots. Rendered walls with square-headed openings. Detached two-bay two-s...

Detached five-bay two-storey house with dormer attic, built c.1820, possibly incorporating fabric from building of c.1711. T-plan porch to front (east) elevation, single-bay single-storey addition to ...

Detached five-bay two-storey house dated 1720, with advanced two-storey over basement bays to both ends on an H-plan and with a raised bay to centre of east elevation, now in use as a guest house; two...

Detached three-bay Church of Ireland church, built 1779, with two-stage tower to west. Roof gone; stone eaves course and red brick chimney flue in east wall. Roughcast rendered walls with stone and br...

Detached three-bay two-storey house, built c. 1840, with two-storey gabled breakfront and single-storey return to rear. Pitched slate roof with clayware ridge tiles, smooth rendered chimneystacks with...

Detached four-bay single-storey vernacular house, built c. 1880, with windbreak porch to front. Pitched thatched roof with smooth rendered gable ended chimneystacks with coping. Smooth rendered walls ...