Detached seven-bay five-storey warehouse, built 1887, with four-storey extension to rear and two-storey extension to right hand side. Pitched with purple slate roof and cast-iron rainwater goods with ...

Terraced three-bay three-storey over basement house, built c. 1820, with integral carriageway. Now also in use as surgery. Pitched double-span artificial slate roof with uPVC rainwater goods. Painted ...

Terraced two-bay two-storey house with dormer accommodation, built 1916. Pitched caulked natural slate roof to main roof, pitched hipped natural caulked slate roof to dormers, brick nap rendered chimn...

Corner-sited end-of-terrace three-bay three-storey over basement former house, built c. 1835, with two-storey extension to rear, built 1919. Now in use as offices. Double-span hipped artificial slate ...

Freestanding Ionic hexastyle prostyle courthouse with rotunda walls to sides, set on a high podium, designed by William Vitruvius Morrisson in 1834; comprehensively renovated c. 1980, with the gutting...

Terraced two-bay three-storey former house with attic accommodation, built 1913, now in use as restaurant. Pitched artificial slate roof with rooflights. Painted nap rendered walls with render quoins,...

Terraced three-bay three-storey with attic accommodation former house, built 1893, now in use as public house. Pitched artificial slate roof with dormers, cast-iron rainwater goods, moulded cornice at...

Terraced single-bay three-storey with attic accommodation former house, built 1924, extensive use of moulded decorative stucco to façade, two-storey extension to rear. Now in use as retail outlet and...

Terraced eight-bay two-storey former Meeting Hall, built 1863, with two-bay projection below chimneystack stack to façade and projecting stair return to rear. Designed by J.F. Fuller. Now in use as o...

Corner-sited two-bay three-storey former house, built 1896, with decorative late Victorian brick and ashlar facades. Now in use as offices. Pitched and hipped caulked artificial slate roof with parape...

Terraced single-bay three-storey house, built c. 1805. Pitched artificial slate roof with cast-iron rainwater goods. Painted cement rendered walls with projecting lantern. Paired timber sliding sash w...

Attached three-bay three-storey with attic accommodation former house, built c. 1870, with public house to ground floor. Pitched artificial slate roof to main roof and dormers, nap rendered chimneysta...

Attached three-bay two-storey house, built c. 1820. Pitched caulked purple slate roof with painted nap rendered chimneystack and cast-iron rainwater goods. Painted cement rendered walls with projectin...

Terraced three-bay three-storey former house, built c. 1800, with integral carriageway. Used as school by Presentation Order from 1809. Façade remodelled c. 1850. Now with vacant retail outlet to gro...

Terraced single-bay three-storey former house, built c. 1805, now a vacant retail outlet. Pitched artificial slate roof with painted nap rendered chimneystack. Painted lined-and-ruled nap rendered wal...

Terraced single-bay three-storey former house, built c. 1805, now in use as retail outlet. Pitched artificial slate roof with cast-iron rainwater goods. Painted lined-and-ruled nap rendered walls. Tim...

Corner-sited end-of-terrace single-bay three-storey former house, built c. 1805, with two-storey single-bay extension to side elevation. Now in use as retail outlet. Pitched hipped artificial slate ro...

Corner-sited end-of-terrace single-bay three-storey house with dormer attic, built c. 1835, having elaborately detailed shopfront c. 1900. Now in use as restaurant. Pitched double-span artificial slat...

Terraced three-bay three-storey with dormer accommodation former house, built c. 1835, now in use as retail outlets. Pitched double-span artificial slate roof with metallised felt to dormer flat roofs...

Terraced two-bay four-storey former house, built c. 1820, with four-storey extension to rear. Now in use as retail outlet and offices. Pitched artificial slate roof with nap rendered chimneystack and ...