Reg No: 21902428
Detached gable-fronted five-bay double-height former creamery, built c. 1920, with corrugated-iron canopy to loading bays to north-west and south-west elevations. No longer in use. Pitched chamfered...
Reg No: 21902501
Detached irregular-plan former creamery, built c. 1880, now in use as private house. Comprising gable-fronted single-bay two-storey L-plan block to south with three-bay single-storey gable-fronted bl...
Reg No: 22205911
Detached five-bay double-height former creamery, built c. 1920, with corrugated-iron canopy to loading bay. Pitched artificial slate roof with rendered chimneystack, timber louvered vents and cast-ir...
Reg No: 22205105
Detached three-bay single-storey former creamery, built c. 1900, now derelict. Pitched slate roof vented by openings in upper gables, one with timber louvre. Rubble sandstone walls with roughly-dres...
Reg No: 22205505
Detached double-pile five-bay double-height creamery, built 1886, with single-bay pedimented breakfront and having two-bay single-storey addition to south. Pitched artificial slate roof with cast-iro...
Reg No: 20856010
Detached creamery, built c.1920, comprising three-bay single-storey block with loading bay platform and canopy to front (north-west) with single-bay two-storey block to side (south-west). Associated t...
Detached three-bay single-storey creamery, built c. 1920, having loading bay to front elevation and steps up to doorway in south gable. Multiple-bay building to south with three openings to front ele...
Reg No: 20809005
Detached seven-bay single-storey creamery, built c.1920, now used as office and grain store, having three-bay east gable, and vehicular entrances to front elevation. Pitched corrugated-iron roof, bent...
Reg No: 20905107
Detached five-bay single-storey creamery, built c.1920, having concrete loading-bay platform to front. Comprising L-plan flat-roofed block surrounding front (south) and side (east) elevations of centr...
Reg No: 22402901
Detached L-plan three-bay two-storey creamery building, built c.1925, with lean-to extensions to front and rear. Now disused. Loading bay with lean-to corrugated-iron canopy and steps to south gable. ...
Reg No: 30915006
Detached six-bay single-storey former creamery, built c.1900, with six-bay single-storey extension to rear and single-bay lean-to extension to east. No longer in use. Pitched slate roof with timber ...
Reg No: 40909229
Detached three-bay two-storey double-pile former co-operative creamery with attic level, built c. 1903 and rebuilt or partially rebuilt c. 1921/2. Loading platform the south-west side elevation. Now...
Reg No: 41401711
Detached three-bay former creamery, built c.1900. Pitched corrugated asbestos roof, with cast-iron ridge tiles, round-plan sheet metal chimney, pitched louvered metal roof-vents, and with decorative t...
Detached single- and two-storey rendered and corrugated-iron former creamery buildings, built c. 1900, now used as farm supplies storage. Single-storey main building on east-west axis with two single...
Reg No: 21905501
Attached six-bay single-storey creamery, built c. 1890, with corrugated-iron addition to north-west. Pitched slate roof with metal vents and cast-iron rainwater goods. Random coursed limestone walls...
Reg No: 22107007
Detached double-pile creamery, built c. 1900, gabling to front. Four-bay double-height with attic to front, three-bay two-storey to west, and four-bay two-storey with attic to rear. Weighbridge on pla...
Reg No: 40909206
Detached two-bay two-storey former creamery manager’s house, built 1916, having single-storey extension with lean-to roof to the north elevation and enclosed single-bay gable-fronted entrance porch ...
Attached square-profile tapering red brick chimneystack, erected c. 1900, set within the remains of creamery buildings, dated 1902. Detached gable-fronted two-bay single-storey creamery, stepped gabl...
Reg No: 32400825
Detached six-bay single-storey rendered creamery, built c. 1900. Two contiguous north-south blocks. Pitched slate roof to east block, clay ridge tiles half-round cast-iron gutters, finial to south g...
Reg No: 22205220
Detached seven-bay two-storey former creamery, built c. 1880, with recently-built two-bay entrance porch to front. Now converted into apartments. Pitched slate roof with red brick chimneystacks proj...