Reg No: 40902603
Freestanding two-stage turret on a square plan having stepped crenellated parapet, projecting parallel quoin course with string course over dentils to parapet, and with projecting plinth course with s...
Reg No: 40813007
Freestanding cast-iron water hydrant, erected c. 1910, comprising fluted shaft on moulded base surmounted by fluted domed capping with acorn finial over, and having lion's head motif to spout. Pull le...
Reg No: 40901841
Freestanding former entrance portico to Ards House (latter now demolished), built c.1890. Now in use as garden temple associated with Greenfort. Tetrastyle Tuscan limestone portico with stone plinth e...
Reg No: 40813001
Freestanding double-height Catholic church (on fan-shaped plan), consecrated 1971, having baptistery, Blessed Sacrament chapel, projecting porch to the north-east, sacristy, confessionals and Marian c...
Reg No: 40813004
Single-arch former railway accommodation bridge, built c. 1903, carrying the former Letterkenny to Burtonport section of the Derry (Middle Quay) to Burtonport railway line over small private laneway. ...
Reg No: 40813006
Attached pair of two- and three-bay two-storey houses, built c. 1840, having two-storey addition, c. 1860, attached to the north-west, and with taller two-bay two-story house (three-bay two-storey ele...
Reg No: 40813008
Detached multiple-bay single-storey parochial house on complex irregular-plan, built 1970-1, associated with St. Michael’s Catholic church (see 40813001), having projecting single-storey porch and g...
Reg No: 40813009
Detached single-bay single-storey gable-fronted structure, built c. 1900, probably formerly housing water pump. Pitched natural slate roof with clay ridge tiles. Partially rendered rubble stone walls....
Reg No: 40813003
Single-arched bridge carrying road over the Duntally River, built c. 1755. Round-headed arch with rubble stone voussoirs; rubble stone construction to arch barrel. Rubble stone construction to spandre...
Reg No: 40813002
Series of freestanding piers formerly supporting multiple-arch railway viaduct, built c. 1903, formerly carrying the Letterkenny to Burtonport section of the Derry (Middle Quay) to Burtonport railway ...
Reg No: 40902666
Freestanding cut-granite milestone, erected c.1780, on roadside. Inscribed (north): "L:KENNY/14/DUNFANAGHY/4½"; (east): "CREESH/LAGH/1 ½"; (west): "ARDS/1½"....
Reg No: 40903527
Detached multiple-bay single-storey T-plan national school, dated 1929, having slightly lower gable-fronted porch projection, and single-storey extension to rear. Pitched slate roof with overhanging e...
Reg No: 40902662
Detached four-bay single-storey national school, dated 1886, having porch at right angle to one end. Pitched slate roof with exposed rafter ends, some remains of cast-iron rainwater goods and yellow b...
Reg No: 40813005
Single-arch former railway accommodation bridge, built c. 1903, carrying the former Letterkenny to Burtonport section of the Derry (Middle Quay) to Burtonport railway line over small private laneway. ...
Freestanding Church of Ireland church, dated 1752, having four-bay nave with bellcote to west gable, Venetian window to east and west gables, porch addition to west with lower and shorter lean-to sect...
Reg No: 40902642
Tower house and bawn, built in early sixteenth century, comprising moat and irregular bawn enclosing four-storey tower house with attic and two-stage casemate, altered c.1820 with addition of barbican...
Reg No: 40904301
Freestanding four-bay two-storey castellated house with four-stage square-plan tower to northwest and number of two and three-storey extensions, built 1867-73, with two-storey wing to northeast built ...
Freestanding Catholic church on complex-plan, built 1971-4, composed by two overlapping blocks (on rectangular plan) each having mono-pitched roofs with continuous clerestory windows at junction to ri...
Freestanding Catholic church, built 1961 and extended 1990, comprising double-height hall with canted corners to the nave gable (west) and the chancel\sanctuary gable (east), side aisles to the north ...
Freestanding Catholic church on polygonal cruciform-plan, built 1962-4 and altered 1994, comprising double-height seven-bay hall with canted corner to the east, transepts with canted gables to the nor...