Reg No
Categories of Special Interest
Architectural, Historical, Social
Original Use
In Use As
1890 - 1910
293860, 237769
Date Recorded
Date Updated
Terraced three-bay two-storey house, c.1900, incorporating fabric of earlier house, c.1775, retaining original fenestration to first floor. Reroofed, c.1980. Renovated, c.1995, with replacement timber shopfront inserted to ground floor. Gable-ended roof. Replacement asbestos cement slate, c.1980. Concrete ridge tiles. Rendered chimney stacks (shared). Replacement uPVC rainwater goods, c.1995, on rendered eaves course. Rendered walls. Painted. Square-headed window openings to first floor. Stone sills. Original 2/2 timber sash windows. Replacement timber shopfront, c.1995, to ground floor with panelled pilasters, fixed-pane display windows and glazed timber door having overlight and timber fascia over with moulded cornice. Road fronted. Concrete flagged footpath to front.
This house, which probably incorporates fabric of an earlier house dating to the planning of Main Street, has been renovated to ground floor in the late twentieth century leading to the loss of much of the original form. The first floor, however, retains most of its early character, with original features and materials in situ, including timber sash fenestration. The replacement shopfront to ground floor is not a positive addition to the composition, composed in an irregular fashion that does not complement the attractive and simple arrangement of openings to the first floor. The house is of importance for its age and contribution to the streetscape of Main Street, continuing the established streetline of the planned street, while contributing to the regular roofline of the terrace.