Reg No
Categories of Special Interest
Architectural, Historical, Social
Original Use
1780 - 1820
289045, 219267
Date Recorded
Date Updated
Detached single-bay three-storey gable-fronted rubble stone warehouse with attic, c.1800, with four-bay side elevations to east and to west. Reroofed, c.1940. Now disused. Gable-ended (gable-fronted) roof. Replacement corrugated-iron. Iron ridge tiles. No rainwater goods on eaves course. Rubble stone walls with traces of lime render over. Square-headed window openings (slit-style). Red brick surrounds. Fittings not visible with some now blocked-up. Square-headed door openings to each floor to front (north) elevation. Timber lintels. Iron doors with door opening to top floor now blocked-up. Road fronted.
This warehouse is a fine and imposing rubble stone structure of social and historic significance, having been built as part of the industrialisation and commercialisation of Naas following the establishment of the canal in the locality. Now disused and in poor condition, the building nevertheless retains its early form and character – the exterior retains important lime render to the stone work, while a rare survival are the timber lintels to the door openings. The side (west) is of particular interest, with solid wall masses pierced by diminutive slit openings, in accordance with a structure where a cool, dry atmosphere was essential for the preservation of grains and materials stored within.