Reg No
Categories of Special Interest
Original Use
In Use As
1815 - 1820
250671, 155640
Date Recorded
Date Updated
Terraced three-bay three-storey over basement house, built 1817, possibly originally forming part of larger nine-bay three-storey hotel on site of medieval range, pre-1700, with square-headed carriageway to left ground floor. Reroofed, c.1950. Renovated, pre-1992, with shopfront inserted to ground floor incorporating canted bay window. One of a group of three (originally four). Pitched (shared) roof with replacement artificial slate, c.1950, clay ridge tiles, rendered chimney stacks, and cast-iron rainwater goods on slightly overhanging rendered eaves. Unpainted roughcast walls with rendered channelled piers to ends. Square-headed window openings with cut-stone sills, six-over-six (first floor) and three-over-six (top floor) timber sash windows. Square-headed carriageway to left ground floor with pilaster surround having wheelguards, timber boarded double doors having wicket gate, fascia over having consoles, and moulded cornice. Shopfront, pre-1992, to ground floor incorporating canted bay window with pilasters, fixed-pane timber windows on panelled base, timber panelled door having fanlight (leading to glazed timber panelled internal door having sidelight on panelled riser, and overlights), and box fascia over on iron brackets having dentilated moulded cornice. Interior with clay tiled floor, elliptical relieving arch to ground floor on profiled timber pilasters having moulded archivolt, and timber panelled shutters to window openings to upper floors. Road fronted with concrete brick cobbled footpath to front.
A well-composed middle-size house built as one of a group of three, originally four related houses (with 12001021 - 2/KK-4766-14-21 - 2) intended as an hotel incorporating Classically-derived proportions, thereby forming an appealing assemblage contributing to the elegant quality of the streetscape: a Classically-detailed surround to the carriageway further enlivens the external expression of the site in Patrick Street Lower. Apart from the insertion of a shopfront to the ground floor the house presents an early aspect with most of the original form and massing surviving intact together with substantial quantities of the historic fabric both to the exterior and to the interior where carved timber fittings display high quality craftsmanship. Occupying the position of a medieval (pre-1700) house having connections with the Rothe family and later adapted to use as a temporary Kilkenny College (1790) the house remains an important element of the architectural heritage of Kilkenny City.