Survey Data

Reg No




Categories of Special Interest

Architectural, Artistic

Original Use


In Use As



1895 - 1905


246030, 122222

Date Recorded


Date Updated



Detached four-bay two-storey house, extant 1901, on a rectangular plan with shopfront to right ground floor; four-bay two-storey rear (north) elevation. Hipped gabled slate roof with clay ridge tiles extending into pressed iron ridge, red brick Running bond chimney stacks centred on red brick Running bond chimney stack having stringcourse below dentilated corbelled stepped capping supporting terracotta or yellow terracotta pots, and replacement uPVC rainwater goods on iron-covered ragged cut-limestone eaves retaining cast-iron downpipes. Red brick Flemish bond walls with drag edged cut-limestone flush quoins to corners; rendered surface finish to rear (north) elevation. Camber-headed off-central door opening with drag edged tooled cut-limestone step threshold, bull nose-detailed timber mullions, and red brick voussoirs having chamfered rebated reveals centred on drag edged dragged cut-limestone keystone framing timber panelled door having sidelights on panelled risers below overlight. Paired square-headed window openings centred on square-headed window openings with drag edged cut-limestone sills, and red brick voussoirs having chamfered reveals centred on drag edged dragged cut-limestone keystones framing one-over-one timber sash windows. Dragged cut-limestone shopfront to right ground floor. Square-headed (east) or paired square-headed (west) window openings to rear (north) elevation with drag edged cut-limestone sills, and concealed dressings framing one-over-one timber sash windows. Road fronted on a corner site with drag edged cut-limestone chamfered plinth to perimeter supporting wrought iron railings.


A house erected by John Redmond Anthony (1861-1907) and Mary Joseph Anthony (1858-1917) representing an important component of the built heritage of County Kilkenny with the architectural value of the composition confirmed by such attributes as the compact rectilinear plan form; the construction in a vibrant red brick offset by deep grey limestone dressings not only demonstrating good quality workmanship, but also producing a lively two-tone palette; the diminishing in scale of the coupled openings on each floor producing a graduated visual impression; and the high pitched roofline. Having been well maintained, the elementary form and massing survive intact together with substantial quantities of the original fabric, both to the exterior and to the interior, thus upholding the character or integrity of a house making a pleasing visual statement in a rural village street scene.