Reg No
Categories of Special Interest
Architectural, Social
Original Use
1860 - 1900
305899, 295698
Date Recorded
Date Updated
Detached two-bay single-storey forge, built c. 1880, now disused. Walls to west ends of north and south elevations removed. Single-pitched corrugated-iron roof. Painted random rubble walling originally roughcast, brick infill around east doorway, unpainted concrete block work infill to west elevation. Square-headed window openings to north, east and south elevations, painted brick jambs and arches, painted stone sills, painted ten-pane steel casement windows, north elevation window built up. Horse-shoe shaped painted stone door surround on painted projecting semi-circular stone plinths, painted metal double doors, concrete threshold.
This forge is remarkable only for its unusual, and surprisingly intricate, stone horse-shoe shaped doorway, accurate in detail to an actual horse shoe with its recesses for nail holes. Inside, some evidence of the blacksmith's activity can still be seen on the soot blackened walls.