Survey Data

Reg No




Categories of Special Interest


Original Use


In Use As



1860 - 1880


313414, 317463

Date Recorded


Date Updated



Detached three-bay two-storey house, built c. 1870. Open porch with lean-to roof projecting from north (front) elevation, lower two-storey return to south (rear). Pitched slate roof, roll-top red clay ridge tiles, red brick stepped chimneystacks to gables with moulded corner details and concrete caps, half-round uPVC gutters on painted timber fascia on exposed rafter ends, circular cast-iron downpipes, painted timber projecting bargeboards with sheeted soffit. Painted ruled-and-lined smooth rendered walling, first floor string course, raised block-and-start quoins. Square-headed window openings, painted stone sills, painted timber two-over-two sliding sash windows; segmental-headed window openings to first floor east gable, painted timber one-over-one sliding sash windows. Square-headed entrance door opening, painted timber four-panel door with lozenge panels and raised-and-fielded mouldings, cast-iron door furniture, plain-glazed overlight, set in timber-framed porch with turned corner posts and balustraded frieze, approached by granite steps to tiled porch step. Set in own grounds, front approached by straight concrete path between yew trees set in lawns, hooped round-bar pedestrian gate on rendered piers to roadside, hedges to roadside, pitched roof, lime-washed rubble single-storey outbuilding range to south, hooped flat-bar wrought-iron double gates to south-west entrance, on elevated site overlooking harbour.


This attractive house has a pleasing symmetrical form which is heightened by its central finely-carved timber porch. original timber sliding sash windows survive giving it an architectural interest. Situated amid a mature garden and on an elevated site it commands a fine view of the coast and surrounding landscape.