Survey Data

Reg No




Categories of Special Interest


Original Use


In Use As



1800 - 1840


295308, 305539

Date Recorded


Date Updated



Detached three-bay two-storey house, built c. 1820. Flat-roofed extension to west. Hipped slate roof, clay ridge tiles, painted smooth rendered corbelled chimneystacks, cast-iron gutters on rendered eaves courses, circular cast-iron downpipes. Painted roughcast-rendered walling, smooth rendered plinth and channelled quoins. Square-headed window openings, painted smooth rendered soffits and reveals, painted timber six-over-six sliding sash windows, timber casement windows to west. Round-headed door opening, roll-moulded surround, smooth rendered reveals and archivolt, painted timber pilasters supporting frieze and cornice, timber spoked fanlight, painted timber door with four flat panels, decorative cast-iron door furniture, tooled limestone step to door; square-headed door opening to extension, painted timber and glazed door. Five-bay single-storey outbuilding to south-west; pitched slate roof, random coursed stone walling; square-headed window openings, painted stone sills, painted timber casement windows; square-headed door opening, painted timber vertically-sheeted door. Ranges of outbuildings around yard to south; multiple-bay single- and two-storey ranges to east, west and south sides of yard. Pitched slate roofs, remains of red brick belfry to gable west range, random coursed stone walling, square-headed window and door openings, red brick surrounds, segmental-headed carriage arches, red brick archivolt. East range hidden by later corrugated-iron structure. Random coursed wall to north-east bounding yard from house, square-profile gate piers, wrought-iron gates. House set in mature grounds, long twisting avenue, bounded by trees, giving access from road to north-east.


Tullagee House is a charming well-proportioned house, attractively situated within mature grounds. Its simple façade has retained much original fabric with the elegant doorcase and interesting door furniture being particularly notable. The extensive stone outbuildings to the south forms part of the original site complex and create a group of important utilitarian structures which compliment Tullagee House; forming an architecturally significant collection of buildings which make a positive contribution to the built heritage of County Louth.