Survey Data

Reg No




Categories of Special Interest

Architectural, Artistic

Previous Name

Killin Park

Original Use



1900 - 1920


301304, 310077

Date Recorded


Date Updated



Detached three-bay two-storey house, built c. 1910. Gable-fronted projecting bay to east, single-storey flat-roofed porch to south-east angle, two-storey canted bays to north and south elevations, four-bay two-storey gable-fronted wing to north-west, single-bay two-storey gable-fronted addition to south-west angle, single-storey flat-roofed extension and uPVC conservatory to west. Hipped slate roof, clay and lead hip and ridges, buff brick corbelled chimneystacks, terracotta crocketed finials to projecting bays, overhanging sprocketed eaves, uPVC and metal moulded gutters. Unpainted ruled-and-lined concrete render walling, projecting plinth, raised channelled quoins, moulded rendered strings to window, continuous sill course, smooth rendered modillioned cornice, recessed triangular pediment to east, painted roughcast rendered panel. Square-headed window openings, paired to ground floor, moulded mullions, concrete sills, painted timber one-over-one sliding sash windows. Segmental-headed door opening, painted timber overlight, petal fanlight, multi-paned sidelights, painted timber six-panelled door. Set back from road, landscaped grounds incorporated into golf course, mature woodlands to west and north.


This well proportioned house is a fine example of early-twentieth-century architectural developments. The projecting canted bay windows, fanlight and moulded stone string courses enhance the facades. The surrounding mature planted grounds form an attractive setting.