Reg No
Categories of Special Interest
Architectural, Artistic
Original Use
Farmyard complex
In Use As
Farm house
1860 - 1880
291592, 294910
Date Recorded
Date Updated
Detached nine-bay two-storey former stable block, built c. 1870, now in use as farm building. Rectangular-plan, gable-fronted breakfront to east, single-pitched addition to north-east. Hipped slate roof, clay hip and ridge tiles, red and yellow brick shouldered corbelled chimneystacks, yellow brick banding, red brick chimneystack to south, cast-iron weather vane, red brick eaves course, yellow brick corbels, moulded cast-iron gutters. Red brick Flemish bond walling, slightly projecting plinth, yellow brick plinth course, red and yellow courses cornice, yellow brick pilasters to breakfront, red and yellow brick coursed capitals, yellow brick blind pointed-arch to pediment. Segmental-headed window openings, yellow brick voussoirs, tooled limestone sills, painted timber casements and fixed single-paned windows, square-headed window openings c. 1960 to south, concrete surrounds, metal framed casement windows, oculus to pediment, yellow brick surround, red brick keystones. Segmental-headed door openings, yellow brick voussoirs, bipartite overlight, timber and glazed double doors. Segmental-headed carriage opening to breakfront, slightly projecting yellow brick pilasters, yellow brick voussoirs, red and yellow brick keystone. Sited within farmyard, corrugated-iron sheds to east, field to west.
Constructed as the stable block of Cardistown House, this functional building is of architectural quality in its own right. The use of yellow and red brick creates a lively aesthetically pleasing façade. The pedimented breakfront adds further architectural quality to a fundamentally utilitarian structure.