Reg No
Categories of Special Interest
Architectural, Artistic, Social
Original Use
Gate lodge
In Use As
1830 - 1870
295638, 296040
Date Recorded
Date Updated
Detached three-bay single-storey former gate lodge, built c. 1850, now in private domestic use. Projecting entrance to north elevation, extension to south; entrance gate to north-east. Hipped slate roof, hidden by rendered crenellated parapet, smooth rendered chimneystacks with caps, gutter hidden by parapet, cast-iron hoppers, circular cast-iron and uPVC downpipes. Painted roughcast-rendered walling, roughly dressed limestone quoins, painted smooth rendered plinth, roughcast-rendered extension to south, granite quoins, smooth rendered plinth. Paired shouldered-arched window openings with chamfered reveals and soffits, granite sills, smooth rendered surround with mullions and transoms, hood-moulding, painted timber casement windows. Projecting entrance, ballustraded parapet, smooth rendered channelled walling, basket-arched door opening, surmounted by hood moulding, painted timber door with five raised-and-fielded panels, plain-glazed overlight, rendered steps to entrance; replacement timber panelled door with sidelights to east elevation. Entrance gate to north-east comprising four finely tooled fluted limestone Doric columns surmounted by decorative capping stones, limestone plinth surmounted by decorative cast-iron railings with quadrant railings to square-profile limestone piers with Greek key motif to frieze and carved capping stones. Cast-iron gates made by R Turner of Stephen's Green, resting on tooled limestone bollards give access to Lisrenny House.
This gate lodge, known as Tallanstown Lodge, terminates the vista of the road coming from the north and the gates give access to Lisrenny House. The former gate lodge itself is an attractive well designed structure and though modest in its scale, the decoration and detail afforded to it are impressive. The crenellated parapet and balustraded entrance porch add a formality to the structure which is complimented by the fine entrance gates with beautifully tooled column and decorative cast-iron gates. This attractive grouping of structures forms a focal point on this rural roadway and they make a positive contribution to the architectural heritage of County Louth.