Reg No
Categories of Special Interest
Architectural, Artistic, Social
Original Use
Miller's house
1800 - 1840
302979, 290962
Date Recorded
Date Updated
Attached three-bay single-storey miller's house, built c. 1820, now disused. Abutting mill to south. Hipped slate roof, clay hip and ridge tiles, projecting eaves, painted timber soffit, timber eaves brackets; smooth rendered corbelled chimneystacks, cast-iron gutters, uPVC downpipes. Painted roughcast rendered walling, painted smooth rendered plinth. Square-headed widow openings, tooled stone sills, smooth rendered reveals, painted timber six-over-six sliding sash windows to north elevation, one-over-one sliding sash windows to west. Segmental-headed door opening to north elevation, smooth rendered reveals, painted timber double doors with six raised-and-fielded panels, flanked by sidelights and surmounted by plain-glazed fanlight with dentil cornice. Two-storey nine-bay former mill building abuts house to south, built c. 1820. Rectangular-plan, former mill wheel house projection to east, lean-to extension to west. Pitched slate roofs, clay ridge tiles, brick corbelled chimneystacks, cast-iron gutter and circular downpipes, dormer heads over first floor windows. Roughcast rendered walling, smooth rendered plinth. Square-headed window openings, concrete sills, painted timber two-over-two sliding sash windows, painted timber casement windows to first floor, metal diamond pane window to extension. Squared-headed door openings, painted timber vertically-sheeted door, pointed arch door opening to north end of west elevation, painted timber vertically-sheeted door. Former millrace to east side, random rubble boundary walling, cast-iron gates.
This early nineteenth-century mill complex retains its original form with a two-storey mill building abutting an attractive single-storey mill house. The remnants of a disused mill race gives an indication to the functioning of nineteenth-century mills. Survival of such complexes are rare in Ireland and they are an important element of Ireland's industrial heritage.