Survey Data

Reg No




Categories of Special Interest

Archaeological, Architectural, Artistic

Original Use


In Use As



1800 - 1840


315787, 283234

Date Recorded


Date Updated



Detached three-bay two-storey house, built c. 1820. L-plan, portico to east, conservatory to south, lean-to and single-storey extensions to west, bathroom to first floor west elevation on cast-iron columns c. 1880. Hipped slate roofs, pitched to west extensions, parapet to west with painted stone coping, painted smooth rendered corbelled chimneystacks with banding, cast-iron rainwater goods. Painted roughcast-rendered walling, smooth rendered plinth. Square-headed window openings, painted smooth rendered soffits and reveals, painted stone sills, painted timber one-over-one sliding sash windows; six-over-six and three-over-three sliding sash windows to west; round-headed window opening to south, six-over-six sliding sash window with timber spoked fanlight. Segmental-headed door opening to east, painted smooth rendered reveals and archivolt, timber spoked fanlight, painted timber four-panel door; shallow painted rendered portico with Doric columns; tooled limestone threshold and steps. Red brick walling to conservatory, cast-iron cresting to roof, painted timber bottom opening windows, painted timber and glazed double doors with stained glass margin lights. Set in own grounds; gravel area to west, gardens to west and south; ruined tower house to north-east; gravel driveway leading to north-east entrance having rock-faced limestone square piers with pyramidal caps and cast-iron vehicular and pedestrian gates separated by cast-iron piers, flanked by cast-iron railings on tooled stone plinth.


This house, dating from the early decades of the nineteenth century, exhibits the classical proportions associated with the period. The shallow entrance portico and Victorian conservatory and toilet are particularly interesting features. The tower house located in the curtilage contributes to its significance which is representative of the development of domestic architecture in the area.