Survey Data

Reg No




Categories of Special Interest

Architectural, Historical, Social

Original Use


In Use As



1785 - 1805


302531, 276505

Date Recorded


Date Updated



Stone outbuildings, built c. 1795, some now converted to domestic use. Three courtyards with detached four-bay two-storey stone building to east. West courtyard with three ranges of single- and two-storey stone and rendered buildings to north, south and west, south-east courtyard with two-storey ranges to stone buildings to north and west, north-east courtyard now in ruins. Pitched and hipped slate roofs, clay hip and ridge tiles; red brick corbelled chimneystacks, some shouldered; bellcote to east gable south-east courtyard; cast-iron gutters, circular cast-iron downpipes. Random rubble stone and painted roughcast-rendered walling; squared and snecked limestone walling to south-east courtyard; cast-iron wall ties. Square-headed window openings; block-and-start dressed limestone surrounds, limestone sills, painted timber three-over-three sliding sash windows to south-east courtyard; block-and-start brick jambs with flat-arched brick lintels, limestone sills to west range west courtyard and east building, painted timber casement windows to east building; square-headed openings, painted smooth rendered soffits and reveals, limestone sills, painted timber two-over-two sliding sash windows to north and north-west ranges west courtyard; lunettes with brick surrounds to west range west courtyard. Square-headed door openings; block-and-start dressed limestone reveals with lintels, painted timber three-panel double doors, timber mullioned overlight, painted timber doors with glass panels to south-east courtyard; block-and-start brick jambs with brick flat-arched lintels to west range west courtyard and east building, painted timber vertical-sheeted doors (west range), painted timber double doors with glass panels, sidelights and overlights (east building); round-headed openings, painted smooth rendered soffits and reveals, painted vertically-sheeted timber doors, timber Y-tracery fanlights to north and north-west ranges west courtyard. Round-headed carriage arches to south-east courtyard, block-and-start limestone surrounds, vaulted ceilings to interiors. Located to north-west of Townley Hall, random rubble stone walls to west, squared and snecked stone wall with rendered gate piers to south of south-east courtyard, walled pathway to main house to south.


This large complex of outbuildings were once an integral part of the workings of Townley Hall demesne. Finely constructed to a design by Francis Johnston, they contain high quality craftsmanship most notably to the south-east courtyard. Retaining much original fabric, together with their original form, they complement the historic character of Townley Hall and its attendant grounds.