Survey Data

Reg No




Categories of Special Interest

Archaeological, Architectural, Artistic, Social, Technical

Original Use



1815 - 1825


284785, 282662

Date Recorded


Date Updated



Board of First Fruits church, built 1820, now derelict. Comprising two-bay side elevation to nave, with three-stage tower having castellations and pinnacles to west. Rubble limestone walls with string courses to tower. Pitched slate roof. Pointed arch door opening, with carved limestone surround, comprising of flanking pilasters, having plaque and pediment above. Pointed arch window openings to nave. Medieval windows of earlier church inserted to tower. Fragment of fifteenth century female effigy over east window. Various upright and recumbent grave markers to graveyard. Bounded by limestone wall with dressed stone gate piers.


Rebuilt in 1820, on the site of an earlier church, Saint. Patrick's Church of Ireland church is of standard Board of First Fruits form. However, the elaborate doorcase and the incorporated medieval features add artistic and archaeological interest to the church. The site has clearly been the centre of religious activity for many centuries, demonstrated by the varied grave markers of many different eras and styles. Plaque above entrance reads: 'This Church was Rebuilt by order of the Rigt. Honble. & Rigt. Revd. Th. Lewis Lord Bishop of Meath. The Revd. Robt. Longfield Rector. Henry Owens Esqr. & Henry Liscoe Church Wardens. Robt. Wiggins Builder. AD: 1820'.