Survey Data

Reg No




Categories of Special Interest

Architectural, Social, Technical

Original Use

Mill (water)


1800 - 1840


233703, 225043

Date Recorded


Date Updated



Detached multiple-bay three-storey former distillery water mill, built c.1820, fronting directly onto street. Hipped slate roof with terracotta ridge tiles, cast-iron rainwater goods. Random coursed limestone walls with tooled limestone quoins. Cast-iron tie bar plates to walls. Full-height squared-limestone chimneystacks to south. Some casement windows remaining with yellow brick surrounds and limestone sills. Loop vents to north western elevation. Door openings to ground floor, all blocked up. Square-headed openings to other stores some with yellow brick surrounds and timber battened doors. Cement rendered single-storey extension to north-west.


This former distillery mill is situated on a busy commercial road within Tullamore, backing onto the Tullamore River. The variety of materials used in its construction is notable, with vast random coursed limestone walls and contrasting yellow brick surrounds of some openings, as well as the cut stone chimney located to the south. This complex of structures is important socially, architecturally and technically and plays an important role in Tullamore's heritage.