Reg No
Categories of Special Interest
Original Use
Worker's house
1850 - 1870
252035, 266709
Date Recorded
Date Updated
Terrace of three three-bay cottages with attic levels, built c.1860, now derelict. Pitched pantile roof (shared) with projecting brick eaves course, cast-iron rainwater goods and a single chimneystack to the east gable end. Rubble limestone walls with brick dressings to the openings having a whitewashed shelter coat over. Square-headed window openings with cut stone sills and cast-iron windows. Square-headed door openings to the centre of each house with remains of timber sheeted doors having iron latches. Road-fronted just to the west of the Market Square, Collinstown.
A charming terrace of mid nineteenth-century cottages, which retain their early form, character and fabric. The materials used in the construction, particularly the pantile roof and the cast-iron windows, are unusual and add to the importance and the architectural impact of this picturesque terrace. These cottages were probably built as estate cottages and may be associated with Barbavilla House (15400813) to the south. They are very similar in appearance to the 'prize cottages' (15400810) to the south end of Collinstown, which won a Royal Agricultural Society Award in 1860, and were probably built as part of a common building project with these structures. This highly appealing terrace continues makes a very positive contribution to the streetscape of Collinstown, despite being out of use and in a derelict condition, and is an integral element of the architectural heritage of Westmeath.