Survey Data

Reg No




Categories of Special Interest

Archaeological, Architectural, Social

Original Use


In Use As



1800 - 1840


234409, 239297

Date Recorded


Date Updated



Entrance gates serving Balrath graveyard, erected c.1820, comprising a pair of rubble limestone gate piers (on circular plan) supporting wrought-iron bar gates. Rubble limestone boundary wall runs around graveyard (on irregular sub-rectangular plan) with mainly nineteenth century grave markers. Located to the west of Ballinagore adjacent to rural crossroad junction.


An appealing and unassuming set of gate piers with associated wrought-iron gates. Simple vernacular entrance gates of this nature were once very common features of the rural landscape of Westmeath but are now becoming increasingly rare on account of clearance to accommodate modern agricultural needs and road widening schemes etc. They represent good examples of the North Leinster vernacular tradition of rubble stone gate piers on circular plan, a tradition now in terminal decline. It is probably only on account of that fact that these are the entrance gates to a graveyard that has insured their survival. The good quality rubble boundary wall completes this composition, which is a simple but worthy addition to the built heritage of the local area.