Reg No
Categories of Special Interest
Architectural, Artistic, Social
Original Use
In Use As
1935 - 1945
304248, 121746
Date Recorded
Date Updated
Detached twenty-three-bay two-storey over basement flat roofed national school, designed 1940; dated 1944, on a rectangular plan with single-bay double-height advanced end bays. Refenestrated, 2005. Bitumen felt-covered flat concrete roof with concrete eaves. Rendered walls on rendered plinth. Square-headed central door opening approached by flight of four cut-granite steps, cut-granite doorcase with tapered pilasters on padstones supporting "Cyma Recta"- or "Cyma Reversa"-detailed pediment on embossed frieze ("1944") framing timber panelled double doors having overlight. Square-headed window opening (first floor) with cut-granite sill, and cut-granite surround framing replacement uPVC casement window replacing six-over-six timber sash window. Square-headed window openings with shallow sills, and concealed dressings framing replacement uPVC casement windows replacing six-over-six timber sash windows. Square-headed window openings (end bays) with concrete sills, and rendered "bas-relief" surrounds framing replacement uPVC casement windows. Interior including (ground floor): central vestibule; square-headed door opening into hall with glazed timber panelled double doors having overlight. Set in landscaped grounds.
A national school erected to designs by Thomas Joseph Cullen (1879-1947) of Suffolk Street, Dublin (Irish Builder 25th May 1940, 356), representing an important component of the mid twentieth-century built heritage of Wexford with the architectural value of the composition confirmed by such attributes as the elongated rectilinear plan form centred on a Classically-detailed doorcase demonstrating good quality workmanship in a silver-grey granite; the slight diminishing in scale of the openings on each floor producing a feint graduated visual impression; and the flat roof centring on a gilded mosaic work centrepiece.