Reg No
Categories of Special Interest
Architectural, Artistic
Original Use
In Use As
1790 - 1810
315525, 159641
Date Recorded
Date Updated
Terraced two-bay three-storey house, c.1800. Renovated and refenestrated, c.1900, with shopfront inserted to ground floor. Reroofed. One of a group of three. Pitched (shared) roof with replacement artificial slate, clay ridge tiles, red brick Running bond and rendered (shared) chimney stacks having stepped capping, and iron rainwater goods on rendered eaves having iron ties. Rendered, ruled and lined walls. Square-headed window openings with cut-stone sills, and replacement one-over-one timber sash windows, c.1900. Timber shopfront, c.1900, to ground floor with panelled (hollow) pilasters on padstones, fixed-pane display window, replacement glazed timber double doors, entablature, and fascia having moulded cornice. Street fronted with concrete brick cobbled footpath to front.
A pleasantly proportioned house of modest to middle size built as one of a group of three identical or related units (including 15601053) retaining the original form and massing together with most of the historic fabric, thereby making an important contribution to the character of Main Street. Notwithstanding a number of modifications, a traditional shopfront of artistic design interest displaying high quality craftsmanship further enhances the visual aesthetic of the site at street level.