Reg No
Categories of Special Interest
Architectural, Artistic
Original Use
Historical Use
Shop/retail outlet
1840 - 1850
271863, 127600
Date Recorded
Date Updated
Terraced three-bay three-storey house, c.1850, possibly originally with carriageway to left ground floor. Renovated and refenestrated, c.1925, with shopfront inserted to right ground floor. Reroofed, c.1950. Renovated. Now disused. Pitched roof replacement fibre-cement slate, c.1950, clay ridge tiles, rendered chimney stack having capping supporting yellow terracotta pots, and replacement uPVC rainwater goods on timber eaves. Replacement rendered walls with cast-iron tie plates, and rendered course to eaves. Square-headed window openings with cut-stone shallow sills, and replacement one-over-one timber sash windows, c.1925, retaining two-over-two timber sash windows to top floor. Square-headed door opening with timber boarded door. Shopfront, c.1925, to right ground floor with pilasters, fixed-pane window, timber boarded door having overlight or overpanel, and replacement fascia. Interior with timber panelled shutters to window openings. Street fronted with concrete brick cobbled pedestrianised street to front.
A pleasant modest-scale house making an unassuming visual impression of almost urban vernacular quality in the streetscape. Although apparently no longer in use, the house has historically been well maintained to present an early aspect with the elementary attributes surviving in place together with much of the historic fabric, both to the exterior and to the interior including the remains of a simple traditional Irish shopfront, thus upholding the positive contribution made to the character of the immediate setting.