Reg No
Categories of Special Interest
Architectural, Artistic
Original Use
In Use As
1855 - 1860
327108, 218531
Date Recorded
Date Updated
Terraced two-bay two-storey over basement house, one of a largely identical row of twelve, built in 1859. To the front elevation there is a full-height hipped roof canted bay. The façade is finished in painted render, whilst the slated pitched roof has a slight overhang and a shared rendered chimneystack with pronounced corbelling. The high level entrance consists of a panelled timber door, jambs with decorative brackets, and a plain rectangular fanlight; it is reached via a long flight of stone steps with decorative wrought-iron railings. The steps are shared with the neighbouring property. The windows are flat-headed and have two over two timber sash frames with some others with replacement timber frames with top-hung openers. Cast-iron rainwater goods. The house faces out onto a seafront road, but is separated from it by a garden which is enclosed by a rendered wall with decorative cast-iron railings and matching gate.
This is one of the best preserved residences of Bray’s earliest and most complete seafront terraces. It is of considerable importance in terms of local heritage and makes a positive contribution to the streetscape.