Reg No
Categories of Special Interest
Architectural, Artistic, Social, Technical
Previous Name
Bray Wesleyan Chapel
Original Use
In Use As
1860 - 1865
326559, 218638
Date Recorded
Date Updated
Detached six-bay single-storey Methodist church, built 1864. The church is constructed in granite rubble with sandstone dressings. The long narrow hall adjoins a hall at the west side. The double sheeted timber doors are set within a gothic-arched opening which sits within a slightly projecting gabled porch. Above is a rose window. Window openings are pointed-arched with geometric tracery and sandstone surrounds. Reducing buttresses support the long walls. The pitched roof is covered with natural slate and cast-iron rainwater goods. The chimneystack is constructed in granite and has clay pots. The church is slightly set back behind a low granite rubble wall with wrought-iron railings.
The church has been well preserved and combined with the group value of the adjoining manse it adds much to both the streetscape and the historic character of the area.