Reg No
Categories of Special Interest
Architectural, Artistic
Original Use
In Use As
1860 - 1880
326562, 218665
Date Recorded
Date Updated
End-of-terrace three-bay two-storey over basement house, one of a uniform row of three built c.1870. To the rear is a large full-height return. The front façade is finished in brick and granite with a decorative brick eaves course, with that to the south finished in unpainted render. The hipped roof is slated and has brick chimneystacks. The entrance, which is reached via a flight of stone steps with brick and granite guardrail, consists of a panelled timber door with three-quarter Ionic column ‘jambs’, entablature with cornice, and a plain segmental fanlight. The windows are flat-headed and have one over one and two over two timber sash frames and granite sills. Cast-iron rainwater goods. The house fronts onto a street but is separated from it by a garden enclosed by a rendered wall topped with cast-iron railings.
This 1870s house in the late Georgian manner is one of a well preserved group of three whose restrained, dignified air contributes much to the streetscape.