Reg No
Categories of Special Interest
Original Use
Public house
In Use As
Public house
1850 - 1860
327754, 210840
Date Recorded
Date Updated
Terraced two-bay two-storey picturesque public house, built in 1856, and renovated c.2000. The façade is in painted roughcast with plain-rendered quoins and base course, whilst the overhanging pitched roof is covered in artificial slate with clay ridge tiles, decorative fascia and bargeboards, and tall rendered chimneystacks with pronounced plinths and corbelled courses. To the ground floor is a timber pubfront with a partly glazed double door and a two light window with arched heads to each light. To the north of this is another partly glazed timber door with both this and the pubfront encased by timber pilaster jambs with decorative brackets and a long timber signboard. To the first floor are two flat-headed windows both set within half dormer gables with decorative bargeboards and finials. Both windows have replacement timber top hung frames and painted stone sills. Between the windows is a large panel with the date ‘1856’ in replacement raised numerals. Projecting pub sign and lighting to the first floor. Replacement aluminium rainwater goods. To the south and set back from the street line of the pub, is a large three-bay two storey mid 20th-century extension, also renovated c.2000. The façade and window detailing of this section have been designed to match the original pub, but with a mainly flat roof hidden behind a parapet and a full-length projecting roof-like canopy with artificial slate, gablets and decorative bargeboards and finials, above the first floor windows. To north of the pub is a three-bay two storey shop, c.1860 and extensively renovated c.2000. This is also set back from the street line of the pub but has similar detailing, with full-length replacement timber shopfront and timber sash windows.
Though recently renovated this pub has retained much of its original appearance and remains of considerable value to the streetscape of the village. Its similarly detailed mid to later 20th-century extension, whilst repeating much of the detailing of the original has a flat roof and is of lesser value. The associated shop to the north, though of similar date and appearance to the pub, is compromised somewhat by its c.2000 full-length shopfront.