Reg No
Categories of Special Interest
Original Use
In Use As
1810 - 1830
312595, 179557
Date Recorded
Date Updated
End-of-terrace six-bay three-storey hotel, built c.1820 but enlarged and re-modelled in c.1880. The building is finished in render with moulded quoins. The panelled door has a plain fanlight and is set within a Gibbsian surround. There is a second doorway which is flat-headed and also has a Gibbsian-like surround. Window openings are flat-headed and have replacement windows to the ground floor and two over two sash frames to the upper floors. There is a projecting chamfered oriel window to the first floor while windows to the second floor have small gables over. The pitched roof is double piled and is finished with natural slate and has cast-iron rainwater goods. The chimneystacks are rendered with chamfered caps and clay pots. The building is road fronted and is prominently sited overlooking the crossroads.
Although its origins are earlier, this hotel has the character of a late 19th-century building. Its prominent siting lends additional importance to its contribution to the streetscape.