Reg No
Categories of Special Interest
Original Use
Worker's house
In Use As
Post office
1825 - 1845
298899, 168024
Date Recorded
Date Updated
Terraced two-bay two-storey former estate worker’s house, built c.1835 as one of a largely uniform row of seven and now in use as a post office with apartment over. The façade is finished in rubble, with granite dressings to the openings. The pitched roof is slated and has a shared granite chimneystack with corbelling. The entrance consists of a replacement panelled timber door. The windows are flat-headed and have replacement timber frames, top-hung and four over four sash. Cast-iron rainwater goods. There is a small letterbox between the entrance and the ground floor window. c.1990 post office signboard between ground and first floor level. The building faces directly onto a street, its former front garden having been removed and its space covered in tarmac.
This former estate worker’s house is part of a larger grouping whose rustic charm in many respects defines Shillelagh. Like many of its neighbours this property (which is now a post office) now has replacement front door and window frames, however its semi-rural quaintness is largely undimmed.