Survey Data

Reg No




Categories of Special Interest

Architectural, Artistic

Original Use

Gate lodge


1830 - 1850


322226, 216069

Date Recorded


Date Updated



Detached three-bay one and a half-storey gate lodge, built c.1840. The house is finished in render with some moulded dripstones. The front door is set within a projecting open gabled porch with pointed arched head. Window openings are flat-headed with mainly casement timber windows. To the north gable there is an oriel window to the ground floor. The roof is finished with chamfered natural slate with cast-iron rainwater goods; overhanging eaves have decorative bargeboards. The tall chimneystack is in brick. The lodge is slightly set back from a wide curved gate screen. The gates and railings are in decorative wrought-iron. Coach gates, pedestrian gates and side railings are all framed by square pillars with panelled rusticated granite blocks. The outer pillars are smaller.


A well preserved picturesque mildly Tudor style gate lodge with a splendid decorative gate screen.