Reg No
Categories of Special Interest
Original Use
Gate lodge
In Use As
1860 - 1880
301085, 169050
Date Recorded
Date Updated
Detached three-bay two-storey gate lodge to Coolattin Park, built c.1870. The gate lodge is constructed in squared granite blocks. To the rear there is a single storey return. The panelled front door is set within a projecting single-storey gabled porch. To the front and side is a canted single-storey bay. Window openings are flat-headed with one over one timber sash frames; some have paired frames. There are drip mouldings to window heads. The pitched roof is finished with natural slate and cast-iron rainwater goods and has tall distinctive 'Tudor' style brick chimneystacks. Eaves are slightly overhanging with decorative bargeboards. The gate lodge is slightly set back, from the roadside.
A modest gate lodge at a minor entrance to the Coolattin Park estate which has retained much of its original form, detailing and character. It blends well with its wooded setting.