Reg No
Categories of Special Interest
Original Use
Shop/retail outlet
In Use As
Shop/retail outlet
1830 - 1840
167017, 71764
Date Recorded
Date Updated
Terraced two-bay three-storey house, c. 1835, refurbished and re-fenestrated, c. 1994; one of three. Mansard roof with flat roofed dormer. Red brick chimney stacks with oversailing courses. Rendered parapet with moulded brick cornice. Red brick façade to upper floors in English garden wall bond. Square headed openings to upper floors with solider arches to window heads. Windows are replacement uPVC. Timber shopfront altered c. 1985, retaining dentil cornice and carved decorative timber brackets c. 1890. Square headed openings to ground floor, having central display window flanked by entrance door and separate entrance to upper floors, both having plain overlights. Street frontage.
Terraced nineteenth century building retaining its original scale and form as well as a roofline consistent with the rest of the streetscape. Although some features have been replaced, it contributes positively to the streetscape and forms part of a group with others on the terrace, which is in a prominent city centre location.