Reg No
Categories of Special Interest
Original Use
In Use As
1810 - 1830
167773, 72282
Date Recorded
Date Updated
Terraced three-bay four-storey former house over basement with integral carriage arch, built c. 1820, as a pair with the adjoining house to the west. Now in use as offices and with dormer addition. Pitched slate roof with red brick chimneystack, moulded rendered parapet and dormer addition. Rendered walls with pair of timber matched board doors to integral carriage arch. Segmental-arched openings, with timber sash windows, and having replacement timber casement windows to third floor. Entrance door remodelled c. 1915, with timber panelled door and toplight set in square-headed opening, and having a moulded render surround. Cast-iron railings set on limestone plinths enclosing basement area, and having limestone bridge over basement area leading to entrance door.
This former house forms part of a significant group of buildings, built in the early nineteenth century, on both sides of St. Patrick's Hill, the north side of St. Patrick's Place, and part of Sidney Place. They are interesting examples of late Georgian architecture in Cork city. The scale and form of this former house make it a positive addition to the streetscape. It retains many interesting features and materials, such as the limestone threshold, timber sash windows, and early twentieth-century door.