Survey Data

Reg No




Categories of Special Interest

Architectural, Artistic

Original Use


In Use As

Shop/retail outlet


1930 - 1935


167586, 71968

Date Recorded


Date Updated



Terraced single-bay three-storey former cinema, built 1932, with projecting canopy over ground floor. Now in use as shopping centre and nightclub. Pitched and hipped slate roof. Polychrome tile clad walls with stepped parapet and recessed panels. Replacement uPVC windows to upper floors. Replacement paired glazed doors to ground floor. Four-storey single-bay formerly related building to the north.


The cinema is an interesting example of the form and style of buildings which were built throughout Ireland during the rise of the cinema in Ireland. Constructed in the first part of the twentieth century, this building is representative of architectural design and theory of that time, and is a well designed early twentieth century addition to the predominantly nineteenth-century streetscape. The scale and form of the building are enhanced and articulated by the polychrome tile cladding which contrasts with the render finishes that are generally utilised in the city.