Reg No
Categories of Special Interest
Previous Name
Thomas Hill and Company
Original Use
Mill (water)
In Use As
1800 - 1840
138435, 41408
Date Recorded
Date Updated
Detached L-plan multiple-bay three-storey former mill, built c.1820, return spanning pair of dressed stone bridges. Now in use as library and offices. Pitched artificial slate roofs with rendered eaves throughout, having red brick chimneystack and cast-iron rainwater goods. Recent pitched artificial slate roofed monitor to return. Rubble stone walls throughout with slate hanging to side (west) elevation. Camber-headed window openings with replacement render sills throughout, having dressed limestone and replacement red brick voussoirs, having uPVC casement windows. Square-headed window openings with replacement render sills to side (west) and rear (north) elevations, having red and yellow brick voussoirs and uPVC casement windows. Square-headed loading bay openings to gabled end-bay and rear elevation having rubble stone plinths, dressed stone voussoirs and exposed recently replaced lintels and replacement windows. Elliptical-headed door openings with dressed limestone voussoirs to front elevation, having replacement double-leaf glazed-timber doors with overlights. Square-headed door opening with replacement red brick voussoirs to rear, having rendered stepped approach and replacement glazed timber door. Abutted by double-arch bridge to east, having rubble limestone walls and parapet and camber-headed arches with dressed limestone voussoirs.
A fine stone building which was once the mill of Thomas Hill and Company, an important employer in the town, who played a significant role in the economic develop of the area. Though renovated in recent years, its historic form and character remain, and it makes a notable contribution to the streetscape. The water course which passes beneath the rear return is of particular interest, as it was once the power source for the industry.