Reg No
Categories of Special Interest
Architectural, Artistic
Original Use
Shop/retail outlet
In Use As
Public house
1740 - 1780
163833, 50431
Date Recorded
Date Updated
Corner-sited end-of-terraced five-bay two-storey with dormer attic former house, built c.1760, now in use as public house. Single-pitched sprocketed slate roof with rendered chimneystack, copings to gable, cast-iron rainwater goods and recent rooflights. Lined-and-ruled rendered walls to ground and first floors, rendered walls to gable and eaves level. Chamfer to western corner of front (south-west) elevation. Timber fascia board with roll moulded architrave to side elevation. Square-headed window openings throughout having render sills to side (north-west) elevation. One-over-one pane timber sliding sash windows to front elevation, two-over-one pane timber sliding sash window to first floor of side elevation and replacement timber casement window to gable. Rendered shopfront to front elevation comprising pilasters with chamfered corners, foliated relief moulding and moulded capitals. Surmounted by architrave, frieze and cornice with a capped scroll moulded console to west. Stall risers to display windows. Square-headed window openings having fixed timber framed multiple-pane display windows surmounted by decorative timber frieze. Fixed timber framed multiple-pane display window to side elevation. Square-headed door openings. Timber battened door and tympanum with sidelight to front elevation. Timber panelled door to side (north-west) elevation. Situated at corner of Market Street and Main Street.
Occupying a prominent site at the junction of Main Street and Market Street this building forms part of a pair of buildings that share similar architectural details. The symmetrical shopfront, which is a later insertion, has an attractive neo-Classical design centred on prominent pilasters which are enlivened by the decorative rendered motifs. Further artistic detail is provided by the lined-and-ruled rendered walls. The chamfered corner is a reminder of the provisions which were made to allow horse-drawn carts to negotiate the corner.