Reg No
Categories of Special Interest
Architectural, Artistic
Original Use
In Use As
1820 - 1860
176657, 69067
Date Recorded
Date Updated
Terraced three-bay two-storey with dormer attic house, built c.1840. Pitched artificial slate roof having rendered chimneystack and eaves course. Cast-iron and uPVC rainwater goods and recent rooflights. Rendered walls having render sill course to first. Square-headed window openings with tooled limestone sills, moulded render surrounds and six-over-six pane timber sliding sash windows. Round-headed door opening having engaged Doric columns surmounted by cornice and archivolt. Timber panelled and glazed door having brass door furniture and spoked fanlight. Lined-and-ruled rendered enclosing wall with gate piers having moulded rendered capping and cast-iron pedestrian gate with limestone steps.
Part of a terrace of fine houses overlooking the seafront, this house is an integral component of a group which was built in the mid nineteenth century when seaside living outside the city was growing in popularity. The building retains much of its original form and character and its facade is greatly enlivened by the retention of historic features such as the handsome round-headed doorcase, timber sliding sash windows and moulded render detailing.