Survey Data

Reg No




Categories of Special Interest


Original Use



1730 - 1770


167206, 72500

Date Recorded


Date Updated



End-of-terrace two-bay two-storey house, built c.1750, with centrally-placed gabled half dormer. One of a group of three of similar date. Not currently in use. Pitched slate roofs on cruciform-plan with central rendered chimneystack, moulded render verge coping to half-dormer and cast-iron rainwater goods. Roughcast rendered walls. Square-headed window openings with stone sills, windows now blocked up. Square-headed window openings to side (south) elevation having stone sills, cast-iron window guards and one-over-one timber sliding sash windows. Square-headed door openings to front (west) elevation now blocked up. Square-headed door opening to side (south) elevation flanked by fluted columns with doorway and overlight now blocked up. Street-fronted.


The retention of the gabled front and cross-plan roof makes this house, along with the neighbouring pair, a fascinating reminder an architectural design that was fashionable in the eighteenth century. Houses of this style were largely remodelled in the intervening centuries, making this group particularly significant. The steeply pitched roofs and substantial chimneystacks are also notable features of this period. Shandon Street was traditionally a main thoroughfare linking the city with the rural hinterland to the north, and retains many historic buildings of interest. The variety of architectural styles seen in this street help to create its unique character.