Reg No
Categories of Special Interest
Original Use
In Use As
1810 - 1850
170484, 71581
Date Recorded
Date Updated
Pair of semi-detached three-bay two-storey houses, built c.1830, with canted bays to ground floor, three-bay two-storey return and lean-to conservatory to rear of west house and single-storey garage to east house. Hipped slate roofs with rendered chimneystacks having clay pots, overhanging eaves and cast-iron rainwater goods. Flat-roofed dormer windows to return. Smooth rendered walls with render full-height pilasters to front elevations, platband at first floor sill level to east house and continuous moulded render sill course and frieze to eaves level to return. Square-headed window openings with limestone sills, moulded render surrounds to east house and one-over-one and two-over-two timber sash windows. Elliptical-headed tripartite window openings with timber mullions and one-over-one timber sash windows. Replacement windows to east house. Square-headed door opening with panelled door and overlight having timber transom to south elevation west house approached through lean-to conservatory. Square-headed door opening to east house with moulded render surround and timber-and-glass panelled door. Smooth rendered boundary wall to front site with square-profile gate piers having wrought-iron gates.
A fine example of the historic suburban housing in the Blackrock area, with a complex plan and emphasis on fenestration in the array of canted bays, porch and tripartite windows. The boundary walls contribute both to the pair’s setting and to the streetscape.