Survey Data

Reg No




Categories of Special Interest

Architectural, Social, Technical

Original Use


In Use As



1800 - 1900


145555, 118412

Date Recorded


Date Updated



Semi-detached five-bay single-storey house, built c. 1880, with single- and two-storey extensions to rear, windbreak to entrance and incorporating fabric of earlier dwelling. Pitched thatched roof, reed to outer layers, some straw remaining beneath. Replacement timber bargeboard to gable end and rendered chimneystack. Flat roofs to extensions. Smooth rendered walls with dressed limestone quoins, having dressed limestone to windbreak. Timber cladding to extensions. Square-headed window openings with timber lintels, render sills and segmental-headed two-over-two pane timber sliding sash windows. Square-headed door opening with timber lintel and replacement timber battened half-door. Roughly coursed rubble limestone boundary wall to site.


This pleasing vernacular house retains many noteworthy features including a thatched roof comprising straw and later reed thatch, surviving timber lintels to openings and attractive and unusual segmental-headed timber sliding sash windows. The building appears to have been built in more than one phase, the western bays being of early nineteenth-century construction. The survival of vernacular houses illustrating traditional methods of construction is increasingly rare in the Irish countryside.