Survey Data

Reg No




Categories of Special Interest

Architectural, Artistic, Social

Original Use

Public house

In Use As

Public house


1870 - 1910


92876, 56390

Date Recorded


Date Updated



End-of-terrace four-bay three-storey house and public house, built c.1890, with recent extensions to rear (south). Pitched slate roof with rendered chimneystacks and replacement cast-iron rainwater goods. Lined-and-ruled rendered walls with platband at sill level second floor. Square-headed openings with concrete sills and replacement uPVC windows. Square-headed door openings having single and double-leaf timber glazed doors with overlights. Replacement square-headed display windows with concrete sills. Shopfront comprising fluted pilasters with consoles supporting fascia with raised lettering and cornice.


The survival of fine render shopfront and embellishments enlivens the façade of this prominently sited building. The render detailing of the shopfront is similar to mouldings visible on other buildings in the village and may point to a single craftsman working locally. The impressive three-storey form ensures this structure makes an eyecatching contribution to the streetscape.