Reg No
Categories of Special Interest
Architectural, Artistic, Historical, Social
Previous Name
The Vicarage
Original Use
Rectory/glebe/vicarage/curate's house
In Use As
1805 - 1810
98002, 47372
Date Recorded
Date Updated
Detached two-bay two-storey former glebe house, built 1806, now in use as private house. Hipped slate roof with rendered chimneystack. Painted rendered walls. Square-headed openings with six-over-six timber sliding sash and uPVC windows. Round-headed door opening with spoked fanlight. Enclosed in extensive gardens with painted rendered walls to entrance, having piers, pyramidal capstones and wrought-iron gates.
This Georgian former rectory is typical of the middle sized houses of this era having defining features such as a hipped roof, fine doorcase and symmetrical fenestration. The maintenance of original features including the window fittings and door with fanlight assist in retaining the original character and style. Its elevated position in the landscape gives a sense of grandeur.