Reg No
Categories of Special Interest
Architectural, Social
Original Use
In Use As
1900 - 1920
74068, 44074
Date Recorded
Date Updated
Detached eleven-bay single-storey barracks, built c.1910, with recessed open porch. Pitched artificial slate roof with red brick chimneystacks, red brick cresting, timber eaves course and uPVC rainwater goods. Porch supported by timber brackets. Red brick and painted rendered walls with red brick quoins and plinth. Camber-headed openings with six-over-six timber sliding sash windows and concrete sills. Camber-headed door opening with single- and double-leaf timber battened doors. Square-headed timber fixed pane sidelights to main door opening. Square-headed door opening to north with timber battened door, red brick block-and-start surround and rendered steps. Rendered platform and steps to west. Associated outbuildings to west.
This building is typical of those associated with the large military complex on Bere Island, and is representative of the military buildings built throughout the British Empire at the time. The distinctive porch and variety of openings add diversity to the facade. It makes a picturesque addition to the shore.